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Bobbiny Mojito 3mm Macramé Cord 100m/108yds

Bobbiny Mojito 3mm Macramé Cord 100m/108yds


Mojito is a fresh mix of Eucalyptus Green and Natural. 

Working with this cord feels as refreshing as when sipping a famous drink. 

You can use it alone or in combination with, for example, Eucalyptus Green or Natural.


Regular Macramé Cord is an exceptionally soft product.

Thanks to the structure made of delicate cotton, working with it is a pure pleasure. Its 56 individual fibres twisted into a 3mm cord create a soft but durable product. Its size gives you the possibility to create smaller, more discreet patterns.

It is perfect for macramé and weaving. You can create beautiful wall decorations, but also handbags and jewelry. Combine and mix different colors and you will see what amazing effects you can get!

If you want to give your work a boho effect, comb the ends, and you will get fluffy fringes that will liven up your creations.

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